The Health Risks Of E-Cigarettes

An e-cigarette – also known as an electronic cigarette – is “a cigarette-shaped device containing a nicotine-based liquid that is vaporized and inhaled, used to simulate the experience of smoking tobacco.” This too is a common misconception; for a wide range of people believe that e-cigarettes are a healthier alternative to smoking – just as they do with chewing tobacco. But like any other form of drug addiction e-cigs also carry health risks when abused – or used – for a prolonged amount of time.

In order to understand an e-cig device, he/she must first understand the concept of vaping – which is defined as “the inhaling of a vapor created by an electronic cigarette (e-cigarette) or other vaping device.” If one begins to find himself/herself addicted to vaping, then it is possible that it could lead to something even worse – such as cigarettes. For many build a tolerance to the substance they are inhaling – until they find themselves looking elsewhere for a stronger high; that’s why many avert their eyes stronger forms of nicotine. 

In addition to this, e-cigs can also cause a variety of symptoms, including – but not limited to – “irritate the lungs, may cause serious lung damage and even death, and can lead to smoking cigarettes and other forms of tobacco use.” However, many fail to realize these risks – and see vape juice as being something that resembles that of flavored water; in fact, one can choose whatever he/she would like to put into his/her vape pen, which can cause greater risks – depending on what substance that he/she chooses. 

Yet, even so, these are mostly used by teens – and seen as a trend – because of the various flavors and colors. Consequently – such early use – is what aids in further drug use later on in life, as the teen grows into adulthood. This – in combination with little, or limited knowledge of exactly how the e-cig mechanism works – can lead him/her in the wrong direction.

In conclusion, even though e-cigs (electronic cigarettes) may seem harmless, they are still just as dangerous. That’s why it’s important to be educated on the risks – so that certain dangers can be avoided altogether. Not only that, but both teens and adults can then be protected from potential addiction. In turn, if you – or a loved one – are dependent on e-cigs on a daily basis, help is available for all who seek out help.

The DOs & DONTs of Traveling

Traveling is essentially a way for people to not only experience something fresh, new, and exciting, ut also serves as a way for one to self discover. It’s with such that the individual can begin to learn more about himself/herself through the places, foods, and cultures that they are expected to in the midst of their trip. But, while traveling can prove to be an amazing opportunity, many keep their focus on the destination itself to such a high degree that they soon find themselves prepared for their dream vacation-when failing to complete the necessary and needed research to make their transit all that more enjoyable.

In turn, there are DOs and DONTs to traveling-which differ from place to place-that those who haven’t traveled before may be unaware of. As a result, it is of great importance that individuals are informed of the customs of the location in which they are visiting, so that they can be both respectable, as well as make their trip as pain free as possible. One “do” in particular that anyone and everyone should follow when traveling to a place that they are foreign to is to “be aware of your surroundings. If anyone or thing looks suspicious, notify your chaperone or instructor.” In contrast, one “don’t” is to “walk with a purse or bag loosely over one shoulder. Instead, carry it diagonally facing the inside of the group or friend next to you. If you have a backpack, the safest place for it is on your chest when in a large crowd. Of course, never leave those items unattended. More of these DOs and DONTs  can be found via the links below;

Of course, if one exhausts their sources they will find a number of DOs and DONTs which exceed the lists above. Some in regards to safety-dependent on location-and others they find might be more personal, by including ways to make their trip more enjoyable. In conclusion, it is with the helpful DOs and DONTs above, along with many others, that a wide range of people can not only be prepared for their first trip, but every trip after that awaits them in their near future.