Health and Safety by Region

travel health safetyIt is very important to you and your travel companions that you stay informed on and prepared for health and safety matters. Before you travel, make yourself aware of any recommended vaccines and health precautions for the area you are travelling to. Double check that you have packed a large enough supply of any necessary medications. Be sure to check in with the local and global news to stay current on any disease outbreaks or quarantine areas. For protection against criminals or terrorists, check for recent travel advisories on the place you are travelling to. Check statistics on disapperances and theft so as to protect yourself and your possessions. Below are several sources of travel safety and health advice as well as health and safety hazards of certain regions.

Medical Tourism

medical treatment travelMedical tourism is a modern trend that began when globalization revealed the strengths and weaknesses of worldwide healthcare systems. As people gained insight into the innerworkings of different country’s medical provisions, they re-examined what kind of medical provision their own country provided and weighed the benefits of traveling to another country for medical treatment. This practice became such a global phenomenon that medical insurance providers began supplying policies specifically for international medical travel. A large number of countries around the world are involved in medical tourism. Even certain less developed nations sometimes specialize in an area of healthcare, and welcome tourists to take advantage of their talents. Below are several sources of information on medical tourism; information on the trend itself and specific information on the relationships particular countries have formed with Canada over their medical tourists.

Medical tourism between Canada and other countries:

General information on medical tourism, the health benefits of particular regions, medical services worth traveling to, recommended types of medical travel, information on which professions may benefit from medical tourism:

Vacation Ideas and Destinations

vacation ideasThe first step in preparing for travel is to decide where you are going. There are many factors that inform this decision, including what mode of travel you prefer, what distance you are willing to travel and what kind of excursion you are looking to have. Because this is the most fundamental decision you will make about your time away, consider the advice from the following sources to help you decide where to travel to:

Once you have chosen a destination, it is time to choose destinations within your destination. In other words, decide what you want to do and see. Traveling to a remarkable destination is all for naught if you don’t plan to get out and experience what it has to offer. Below are several online sources of advice on how to fill your travels with meaningful experiences:

Here are a few more random links to get the creative vacation planning juices flowing:


Travel Tips

travel adviceOne cannot be lackadaisical about checking and double checking that they are prepared for every situation while traveling. Whether it has to do with the personal effects you are carrying with you, knowing the hours of operation for your most anticipated stop, or understanding the culture of the people you will be interacting with, preparedness can be the difference between a successful vacation and a bad memory. The following sources provide invaluable information on covering your bases prior to beginning your journey to ensure a positive travel experience for you and your companions.